Building and the Grounds
This Ministry ensures that routine and preventative maintenance as well as repairs and improvements are carried out. The work is performed by Contractors, and Church members.
Leader: Quincy Figlia

Teams of two for two hours once a month between Thursday and Saturday to clean the three bathrooms in the main building, kitchen and sanctuary floors, small group rooms, all glass doors, vacuum upstairs and dust. We need five teams for each of the four Sundays a month and a team four times a year that we have five Sundays a month.
Leader: Leslie Drayer

The Church has special events such as Thanksgiving Meal, and fundraisers during
the year such as Spaghetti Dinner. This ministry ensures the kitchen is clean and stocked with necessary supplies and utensils; manages the kitchen during these events including set up, food preparation, food set out and clean up.

Leadership team
The leadership team is made up of a cross section of our congregation and helps set goals and plan strategies to move our church forward and stay in touch with everyone.
Leader: Linda Currier

This ministry provides meals when someone is sick, in the hospital, gives birth to a child or there is a death in the family.
Leader: Flor Figlia

money counters
Counters assist in counting the weekly Church offering. Volunteers count after service once every four weeks. Time commitment is approximately 15 minutes. Minimal computer skills are needed.
Leader: Leslie Drayer

prayer chain
Prayer requests are received from congregation and prayed for during the week. Prayer cards need to be in the seat backs of the chair and collected in the offering plate. Prayer requests are also received via mail, text and phone call.
Leader: Jean Kahler

Technical / AV
There are six (6) AV/sound systems that need to be upgraded and maintained as technology changes and equipment breaks. There are 4 in the main Church (one
downstairs in Sanctuary, one in the Prayer Room, one in the Nursery and one in the library) and four in the Ministry House (one upstairs in Children’s room and one
downstairs in the Youth room).
Leader: Ron Sykes

The greeter/usher/hospitality team serve the congregation by being the first to greet our members and newcomers at the door of the church and the parking lot.
Handing out bulletins, getting to know people, preparing the sanctuary and providing hospitality are part of what this important group does.
Leader: Dave Harrington

worship team
The worship team is a group of men, women and youth/children who lead the congregation in singing on Sundays and at various other special services. Volunteers should have some skill in singing or playing an instrument.
Leaders: Jan and Leslie Drayer