Youth ministries
Youth Sunday
Come join us as we journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, utilizing “The Gospel Project” curriculum. This is a bible study for Middle and High School students.
Leader: Bonnie Norfolk
Youth wednesday
Come join us again every Wednesday night from 6—8 pm for even more fellowship and fun at The Landing

the Landing
What is the landing?
The Landing is a new, action-packed Youth Program for Middle and High School students that will offer tools to students who want to live their lives in a healthy way and overcome hurts, hang-ups, and habits. The weekly program is based on the Beatitudes where Jesus laid out principles for happiness in The Sermon on the Mount.
The Landing can help foster hope, truth, and joy as teenagers embark on an exciting journey of engaging videos, meaningful experiences, vibrant worship, and great conversation as they develop true friendships with other teens. Students will learn the tools to face life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits in a new and healthy, effective way!

A Hurt
A HURT is an emotional reaction to another person’s behavior or to a disturbing situation. (abandonment, rejection, abuse, codependency, divorce, relationship issues, etc.)
A Habit
A HABIT is an addiction to someone or something. (relationships, electronics, food, shopping, smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc.)
HANG-UPS are negative mental attitudes that are used to cope with people or adversity. (anger, depression, isolation, fear, unforgiveness, etc.)

Pizza & Ministry
6:00PM – Pizza and Hangout Time!
6:30 PM – Program starts in the Church Sanctuary with Connect Time–all youth and leaders together in large group setting.

Worship & Teaching
6:40 PM – Praise and Worship
6:50 PM – Teaching and interaction with all youth together in large group setting–may include video time.
7:20 PM – Small Groups with Conversation Leaders–a time of sharing and discussion. Each group is gender specific–both youth and leaders.

Refreshments & Fellowship
7:45 PM – Closing Time–all youth and leaders together in large group.
7:50 PM – Connect Time with refreshments and fellowship for all in the Kitchen.
All Middle & High School Students welcomed!
A Note to All Students:
The Landing is not a lecture-style resource –you won’t just be listening to someone speak!
The Program is designed with you in mind!
You will engage in conversation with other teens and leaders, exploring new ways of thinking and doing!
You will be involved in a fully engaging environment that includes simple experiences that help you understand and reinforce what you are learning!
You will learn key principles during this journey toward a better life–a pathway to real freedom!
Sign Up Info
For more information or to sign up for this amazing Program, please email John or Linda McGuire at commgospelcr@comcast.net.
Parents may pre-register teens via phone or e-mail, or complete a registration card on meeting night (suggest arriving no later than 6:15pm to register the evening of the meeting.)